PO Box 270696, Littleton, CO 80127

888.884.2225 • 303.468.1553

“Our patients think PT is very modern, and they like how fast it is and efficient. They also like how easy it is to use. From a team members stand point, PT allows us to put the patient information into the computer faster, and there are fewer mistakes in data entry.” - LouCindy

PT Dental featured in Doctor of Dentistry

In the March 2008 issue of Doctor of Dentistry, Paperless Technologies and PT Dental were featured as Dr. Mubashir Chaudhry's solution to the need for a paperless office.

Excerpts from the article:

"Once we incorporated the paperless forms, we noticed that the time it took a new patient to fill out the forms dropped to eight minutes on average, and we've had new patients fill them out in as few as two minutes. We were shocked!"

"We've had young, tech-savvy parents fill them out; we've had grandparents fill them out," he [Dr. Chaudhry] relates. "They're not intimidated by the technology and the response has been great."

Read the Article! (PDF Format)

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