PO Box 270696, Littleton, CO 80127

888.884.2225 • 303.468.1553

“With Paperless Technologies, our patients know we are hi-tech. They like checking in on the tablet. And they love the fingerprint scan. I use PT daily and I love the fact that it is so user friendly. It helps to make our office more cohesive.” - Nicole

Return on Investment

Cost to create and store 2,500 paper charts:
Yearly labor costs to maintain 2,500 paper charts:
Initial Savings Using PT:

According to a study conducted by Dr. Larry Emmott, a practicing dentist and founder of Emmott on Technology, the costs to create and store 2,500 patient charts is about $15,800 and about $11,520 per year in labor to manage and keep them updated (assuming staff wages are $15/hour), for a grand total of $27,320 (for more information on the study, see "Paper vs. Digital: What's it Worth to You?" Dental Products Report July (2006): 2-6 — or read the article online: Paper vs. Digital: What's it Worth to You?).

At first, these numbers may seem exaggerated, but when you break down all that is involved in acquiring, storing and managing paper files, they quickly become realistic. Based on these findings, you'll make back the money you spend on PT Dental or Medical within just a few months!

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