PO Box 270696, Littleton, CO 80127

888.884.2225 • 303.468.1553

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“I have to take a minute and say how happy we are with the software and the superb customer service we have received. Our patients continually comment on the ease of use and appreciate us for being on the cutting edge of technology. It really is possible to be Paperless!” - Dr. Steven Schwartz

Paperless Technology

Eliminate Paper, Enhance Efficiency!

PT Medical Box

The digital age is upon us, and the time has come to stop filling out redundant paper forms or wasting precious moments filing, searching, updating, etc. PT Medical has been designed from the ground up to transform your practice into a paperless office by creating a system of paperless forms, questionnaires, and surveys to be accessed from anywhere, at any time.

From the moment a new patient calls to the moment they leave your office, all information necessary can be recorded digitally. PT Medical is a PRM, or Patient Relations Management program (see "What is a PRM?"), streamlining the exchange between you and your patients. New patient forms are available online for the patient to fill out from the comfort of their home, and the data is made available to staff and providers immediately, whether at the office or on the go. PT Medical removes the cumbersome process of searching old paper files, reviewing information, updating, and re-filing, and greatly reduces or eliminates operating costs related to on/off-site file storage, as well as the lost time and productivity.

Woman Signing using PT Medical

Your patients will love the familiar yet hi-tech user experience of filling out their forms digitally, and will love the time-saving benefits of not having to re-fill out forms for each child or spouse. Your staff will love being able to retrieve all patient information with the instant click of a button, and the ability to review past information and be notified of important conditions. PT Medical is the solution to take your existing office paperless, without altering how your practice functions!

Learn more by exploring our exciting features and add-on modules:

  • Product Features

  • Modules

    • Email Reminders - Automatically sends out email appointment reminders!
    • Online Forms - Patients can complete forms from the comfort of their home.
    • Data Exchange - Transfer data to any electronic source effortlessly.
    • Multi-Office - Multiple Locations? No problem, keep them all synched!
    • MobileData - Running here and there? Keep your office's database with you.
© 2008 Paperless Technologies.