PO Box 270696, Littleton, CO 80127

888.884.2225 • 303.468.1553

“Our patients think PT is very modern, and they like how fast it is and efficient. They also like how easy it is to use. From a team members stand point, PT allows us to put the patient information into the computer faster, and there are fewer mistakes in data entry.” - LouCindy

Patient Relations Management - PRM

What is a PRM?

Click the button in the table to toggle between an office with and without a PT PRM.
Office Sans PRM
Duties performed by:
Take Initial Call
Staff Must Do
Send First Reminder
Staff Must Do
Send Second Reminder
Staff Must Do
Check existing patient file
Staff Must Do
Create new patient file
Staff Must Do
Prepare forms to be completed
Staff Must Do
Update PMP with new patient info
Staff Must Do
Re-file patient documents
Staff Must Do

PT Dental and Medical are “Patient Relations Management (PRM)” programs that makes you 100% paperless while automating and managing your patient relationships and charts. Patients start by receiving an automated email/text message appointment reminder, from which they can access and complete their forms online (or in your office) and sign them electronically upon arrival. PT automatically updates patient forms as needed so your staff won’t have to update them manually and then it syncs the appropriate information into your practice management software. PT does all the work saving you time, money and frustration.

Check the table at the right to see how a PRM-enhanced office will eleviate the burden placed on your staff by performing functions they used to do themselves.


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